Thursday 17 May 2012


It was not a great day food wise.  I did not track but didn't eat a lot so have a pretty good idea of what I came out at.

Breakfast was my regular oatmeal with blueberries and yogurt.  After which the baby (who is 2) had a full blown all out tantrum which only ended when J gave her is egg on toast breakfast.  Which meant on the way to work we stopped at Tim's to get him a muffin.  I got a doughnut (stress eating).

I had physio mid morning and I knew that meant lunch would be late so I brought a banana.  But physio did not go well and I ended up buying a chocolate bar on my way to pick up Alexis from daycare.  I ended up not feeling hungry all afternoon and it was supper before I realized I hadn't eaten anything else. 

Goulash for dinner and then I made up a tasty snack for Ella and I of cut up banana topped with crushed pecans, coconut and whipped coconut milk.  Very tasty.

And along the way I realized that if I threw all the 'shoulds' out the window and listened to my body I would probably end up right where I want to be.  Meaning if I'm not hungry at 10am I don't need to have a snack.  If I have a snack at 11 instead and then don't want a full lunch, that's ok.  If I only want a little dish of dinner and a bigger snack at 7pm that's ok as well.

Of course this only really works if what I'm choosing to eat is mostly healthy choices.  I'm thinking I might give it a shot for a few days.  And tracking my calories just to see where I end up.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Feeling the Hunger

I was hungry all day today.  Stomach growling hunger too.  And there wasn't really any reason.  I ate 3 meals and 3 snacks.  Total for the day was 1865 calories which is a perfect zone for me.  But I'm sitting here with a growling belly.  "Hunger is not an emergency" was repeated in my head more than once :)  I know it's just the adjustment period and I need to suck it up for a little bit but it really does suck!

I also increased my water today.  Which means my weight will be up for a few days as I rehydrate after a few weeks of drinking pretty much zero water.  And I'm again noticing that the more water I drink the thirstier I become.

Weight: 214

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Slightly better

Tim Hortons (Canada) - Sour Cream Glazed Donut, 1 donut 340 46g 17g 3g 10mg 230mg 29g 1g
Cereals - Oats, regular and quick and instant, unenriched, cooked with water, without salt (oatmeal), 1 cup 147 25g 2g 6g 0mg 2mg 3g 4g
Blueberries - Frozen, unsweetened, 0.5 cup, unthawed 40 9g 0g 0g 0mg 1mg 7g 2g
Danone - Oikos Greek Yogurt - Honey, 180 g 156 17g 2g 10g 6mg 60mg 16g 0g
Potatoes - Mashed, home-prepared, whole milk and margarine added, 0.5 cup 119 18g 4g 2g 1mg 350mg 2g 2g
Beans (S) - Green Beans Fresh , 1 cup 60 2g 0g 4g 0mg 0mg 2g 7g
Chicken - Breast, meat only, cooked, roasted, 1 cup, chopped or diced 231 0g 5g 43g 119mg 104mg 0g 0g
Doritos - Nacho Chips, 100 g 500 60g 26g 8g 0mg 620mg 4g 4g
TOTAL: 1,593 177g 56g 76g 136mg 1,367mg 63g 20g

It has been an extraordinarily long day so I apologize for the crappy formatting but I just don't have it in me to figure out how to fix it. The important parts (for right now) are visible.

It was not the greatest of days. I had bloodwork at 8:30 which meant I couldn't have breakfast. By the time I was finished I was absolutely starving and grabbed a doughnut. But having the tracker going meant that I didn't eat my way through the tantrum my oldest had tonight.

I am still hungry and plan on having a bedtime snack of some chocolate covered strawberries. So fruits and veggies are definitely better than yesterday. I'm seeing it as lots of room to improve :) More MFP tomorrow.

Monday 14 May 2012

Today's eats

Breakfast: Oatmeal with blueberries and greek yogurt
Snack: Rice Krispie square
Lunch: Chicken pizza with cheese (homemade and low cal) with cake for dessert
Snack: ice cream and another piece of cake
Dinner: noodles with meat sauce

I am less disappointed with what I ate today that with what I didn't eat.  1.5 servings of fruits/veggies all day?  Not good. 

Tomorrow I track on MFP to get an idea of calories.
Weight: 216

Thursday 10 May 2012

I commit

To keeping a food journal for all of next week (going out of town for the weekend)

To not purchasing any food or drinks aside from groceries.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

In Limbo

I am in a very crappy no running limbo.  By early March my heel pain had escalated to the point I couldn't walk for days after a long run and I wasn't pain free by the time my next run came around.  I started doing some research and came to the conclusion that it was plantar fasciitis.  My doctor soon confirmed.  UGH!

I had been having the pain since late December so it was pretty bad by this point.  I managed to determine that the cause was tight calves (probably initiated by my 5K clinic pace) and moving to a house with ceramic floors in the kitchen.

The prescription: no running or walking, stretching daily, icing and a special sock to keep my foot flexed at night.  And orthotics.  I added gel cups to shoes and began wearing my sneakers daily.  6 weeks later, the pain was still there and although it was improving, something as simple as groceries or running errands caused the pain to flare up. 

I saw another doctor to get a cortisone shot and once again heard the orthotic suggestion.  The cortisone helped slightly but not as much as I've heard it can. Boo! 

I'm not sure why, but I'm seriously resisting orthotics.  I feel like I managed to train for a marathon without them and without encountering any problems, so if I can just heal up I should be able to deal with the causes and run again without them.  It doesn't help that they are not covered by our insurance, they are super expensive and I have heard many stories where they didn't help at all.   So I'm meeting with a physiotherapist next week to discuss a plan of attack.  If she strongly recommends orthotics I will bite the bullet and do it.

Surprisingly enough, my weight has remained pretty stable through all of this. Even more surprising, given that I am back on sugar and self medicating through food :(  I gained 5 pounds in the first month but have lost it again through very little effort.  I need to find the effort...