Sunday 9 September 2012

Quick Weekend Recap


Weighed in at 204.4, the lowest weight I've seen in over a year, possibly in up to two years!  I had friends coming over in the evening so my day was spent cleaning and preparing.  Which meant I didn't get my 30DS workout in :(  And then I definitely over indulged that evening.  So many good snacks were brought.


Weighed in at 208 :(  I was a little shocked but figured it was from the salty chip/dip combination.  Got right back to it and ate mostly plant based all day.


Weighed in at 208.   Double bummed.  Went for a very wet and windy run.  And ate well until the Harvey's for dinner tonight.  Not looking forward to tomorrow morning's weigh in.

It really is getting extraordinarily frustrating to have my progress destroyed by one evening of indulgence.  The knowledge that one evening could take weeks to undo is really a downer.

Thursday 6 September 2012

First Day of School!

Yesterday it poured buckets.  Literally buckets of water.  Roads were unpassable and closed.  So when noone from my clinic showed up for last nights run I took myself to the mall for some shopping :)  And learned that I still can't find a pair of knee high boots that will zip up :(  I think this will be something that I deal with for the rest of my life. 

But I deperately don't want to spend another winter wearing my sneakers in the snow.  I want something that is flat, fashionable but not fancy.  As much as I want to be, I just am not.  So I want something a little more hiking but that can be worn with a dress/skirt.  I'm not asking too much, am I?

I was also tempted by a pair of jeans.  I have never spent more than $50 on a pair of jeans but I'm committed to building a good wardrobe.  It's a hard thing for me to do.  I don't think there has been a time in my adult life where I have entered a season and been able to wear all of my clothes from the last year.  I'm not interested in being that girl anymore.  I want to reach a size and stay there.  So I tried on a $100 pair of jeans.  And they buttoned but it wasn't pretty LOL.  Thankfully so.  My husband was kind enough to point out that I probably shouldn't spend $100 on a pair of jeans that I'm working towards being too big in 3 or 4 months.  Smart man, he is :)

Today was the first day of school for my oldest.  I'm so happy to start building routines for my business, my fitness and house.  Since I missed my run last night I went out at lunch time today.  It was still raining but more of a mist which was nice and cooling.  I ran a little beyond my comfortable zone and cut over a minute off my 5K time from last week WOOHOO!!  As soon as I got home I grabbed some energy chews and pressed play on 30 day shred. I could definitely feel the effect of running on my energy level.  And even after eating lunch I was starving.

I tracked and kept to mostly natural foods and ended up with a decent defecit for the day.  I changed my calorie goal to 1500 this morning.  If I am going to hit my 53 pounds I need to keep to that instead of thinking 1700 is good.  Crossing my fingers that I see 204 tomorrow morning!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

The Numbers in My Head

223 - my starting weight this year
204 - my weight the day I delivered my oldest daughter
194 - my lowest weight since delivering my youngest daughter (2 years and 5 months ago)
191 - my starting weight in 2003, a number I swore I would never see again
187 - the weight I hovered at for the two years before conceiving DD2
174 - when I bought a new wardrobe during a weight loss stint (all of these clothes remain in my closet as they have been worn only a handful of times)
165 - my wedding day weight (2 months post partum)
157 - my feel good maintenance weight from 2004/2005
145 - the highest healthy weight for my height according to BMI (I'm not sure this is even possible in a healthy manner for me)

I carry these numbers around with me always.  And I've often wondered if other women have the same idea floating around in their head.

I completed 30DS today and as I grunted through one of the ab workouts my oldest said "you're doing great Mommy!"  :)

Monday 3 September 2012

Jillian Michaels and Fresh Inspiration

I own the infamous 30 day shred and have even done it a fair share of times.  In fact, in March I did it nearly all the way through, missing only a handful of days.  And I noticed a significant difference in the way my clothing fit.  But then I fell completely apart in April/May and haven't really done any strength training since.

For a while I've been planning on integrating it  back into my week once school started and I was feeling good about my running progress.  My plan was to do it M-F and take the weekends off, starting this Thursday (first day of school).  Well, today we went to the beach as it's a holiday and I ended up not going for my scheduled clinic run.  I was going to just count it as a rest day but after eating ice cream and popcorn and brownies (albeit healthy ones) I decided that I needed to flick the switch in my brain.  So I popped in the DVD and did level 1.  And halfway through, I decided to start today instead of Thursday.  Surely I can manage to fit in a 30 minute workout in the next two days.  Even if Ella needs to do it next to me :)

And I'm pulling out the prepregnancy jeans.  The last time I pulled them out was probably in March and although I could button them up, there was no way I was going anywhere in them.  Or sitting down for that matter LOL.  Prepregnancy weight is still 19 pounds away but I was fairly unfit back then and part of me is thinking I may be able to fit into them at a higher weight.

So Mondays will be my progress testing photo day.  Not sure if I will show the photos or not but I want to have them for me, at the very least.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Pour Some Sugar..

UGH  I went to a BBQ tonight and went a little overboard on the desserts.  They were all so seriously delicious and I enjoyed every one.  But I think I have some major sensitivities to sugar.  About an hour after eating the desserts I started to itch.  And now that I am home, I'm tired, my eyes are watering, my nose is runny and the bloating/gas is ridiculous.

I guess these days are important to remind me why I am trying to remove the majority of processed food from my diet.  Tomorrow's run just moved from optional to required!

Saturday 1 September 2012

I ran 5km today!

I know for most runners that is not anything to jump up and down about but after 4 months of not running at all I am celebrating every milestone.  It was not my fastest time, not even close but it felt good.  And it game me hope that I can see improvements and fast.